Side dishes

Thursday, May 1, 2008

First of all, thanks to the comers for supporting my peanut soup today. Arigato~

i was too busy for photos eh. Sorry. but i got some at sharon's camera. (which Ian took it home) So will upload it when she gets them back.

Nvmm....only one picture taken in my phone.

camwhoring in the car. Balloon, Me, then Sharon at the back and JJ's head =.=''

the outcome was great. and sooo later that nite we went..........

Dinning @ blue splendour tonite.

oh look.....wat's this????

pretty obvious huh?? its BIRDYYY.

and sharon was like giving me this face. does she look shocked to u?? somehow i think she is more onto the 'overjoyed' look.

elehhh....previously was like saying how cruel am i to eat those birds. see wat's she holding there. =X

anyway, the side dish really looks fabulous.

their signature toufu.

the big head prawn. =) =) =) =) =)

ehh.. Some pau and stewed meat. heheehe.

still got others but not tat 'eye capturing'.

p/s: Guess this is why Sharon wants to come back so badly. LOLL.


clement said...

i'm not back yet.. dun torture me!!!

Sharon said...

XD I didn't know it was a bird oK!